Recent Sightings

Sightings from the 17th March have included:
• Main Lake: Pochard, 48 Tufted ducks, 55 Mallard, 6 Gadwall and 18 Black Headed Gulls.
• Siskins have been spotted on the bird feeders at the shop.
• Estuary: 120 Teal, 6 Wigeon, 232 Shelduck, 173 Brent, 379 Oystercatchers,57 Redshank, 178 Curlew, 150 Dunlin, 190 Knot, 48 Grey Plover and 1 Little Egret.
• Peninsula Saltmarsh: 44 Oystercatchers and 3 Mallard.
• Plants: Gorse is starting to bloom.
• Wader Marsh: 37 Black Tailed Godwits, 3 Redshank and 2 Shelduck.
• Saline Lagoon: 2 Shelduck and 2 Little Grebes.
• Limestone Lake: 1 Little Egret and 1 Little Grebe.

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