Recent Sightings

400 Brent on the islands with shelduck and eider on the Estuary. First mallard ducklings in the Plumbs.

Main Lake had 35 tufted ducks, 8 gadwalls, 2 shelduck and high numbers of mallards. Wader Marsh had 5 redshank, 3 oystercatchers, 3 shelduck.
Fresh Water Lagoon had 120 black-headed gulls, 24 tufted ducks, 18 oystercatchers.
Peninsula Salt Marsh had 38 oystercatchers, 4 brent geese, 2 shelduck, a little egret.
Limestone Lake had mallards and 2 mute swans.

Birds on the feeder outside Shop and Loughshore Cafe included; chaffinch, siskin, coal tits and blackbirds.

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