Recent Sightings

  • Estuary had 110 curlew, 50 redshank, 200 brent and 5 shelduck
  • Peninsula Saltmarsh had 2 ringed plover, 8 oystercatchers, 16 black-headed gulls, 1 little egret, 4 brent and 1 swallow.
  • Brickworks had 14 oystercatchers, 1 black-tailed godwit along with 3 linnets and song thrush
  • Limestone Lake had 2 little grebes
  • Main Lake had 21 shelduck  5 swallows  and 2 lesser black-backed gulls
  • Willow warbler at plumbs and chiffchaff on Fresh Water Lagoon
  • Chiffchaff, great, coal and blue tit using feeders in courtyard and at shop
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