Recent Sightings

•  Main Lake - 22 shelduck, 48 tufted ducks, 3 gadwalls, 1 cormorant
•  Wader Marsh – 4 Shelducks
•  Fresh Water Lagoon - 8 tufted ducks and 2 gadwalls
•  Peninsula Saltmarsh – 2 ringed plover (on nest)
•  Peninsula Field – 1 Dunlin, 7 Oystercatchers
•  Estuary - 20 Dunlin, 200 oystercatchers
•  Chiffchaff, blackcaps and willow warblers heard in the plumbs

Other Sightings
•  Large white butterfly seen at the plumbs
•  Orchids on the Limestone Grassland

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