Recent Sightings

Recent sightings from 2 June 2013 included:

  • Main Lake – 18 Tufted Ducks, 35 Mallards, 130 Black Headed gulls, 5 Lesser Black Backed Gulls, 9 Shelduck
  • Wader Marsh – 2 Shelducks, 2 Mute Swans, 35 Black Headed Gulls
  • Little Grebe are nesting on the Limestone Lake
  • Speckled Wood Butterfly seen at the workshop
  • Cowslip, Marsh marigold, Cuckoo Flower
  • Peninsula Salt Marsh – Ringed Plover, 1 Shelduck, 2 Dunlin
  • 1 Common Tern spotted at Brick Works
  • Estuary – Greenshank
  • Fresh Wader Lagoon – 80 Black Headed Gulls, 4 Tufted Ducks
  • Great, Blue and Coal Tits plus Chaffinches feeding off stands in Courtyard and outside shop
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