Recent Sightings

Recent sightings from 29 June 2013 included:

  • Limestone Lake - 2 Kingfishers, a Little Grebe with young, 2 Greylags with goslings and 2 Mute Swans
  • Peninsula Salt Marsh - 3 Ringed Plover
  • 2 Small White Butterflies were spotted in the Sustainable Garden
  • Main Lake - 2 Shelducks and 22 youngsters, 1 Mute Swan
  • Fresh Water Lagoon - 8 Tufted Ducks with young
  • Pied Wagtails on nest in the Plumbs
  • Goldcrests on Swamp Walk
  • Sparrows, Great, Blue and Coal Tits and Chaffinches can be seen on the feeders outside the shop and in the Courtyard
  • Greenfinches in the woodland


3rd July: A buzzard was spotted in Stoat Town

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