Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 16 June a little grebe was spotted nesting on the limestone lake. On the wader marsh there were 6 Shelduck with young and 1 grey Heron. On the fresh water lagoon there were 6 godwal [...]


On the 16 June a little grebe was spotted nesting on the limestone lake. On the wader marsh there were 6 Shelduck with young and 1 grey Heron. On the fresh water lagoon there were 6 godwalls, 6 Shelduck, 1 Wigeon with 4 young and a tufted duck family.

A House martin was spotted  swooping over the car park. In the woodland chaffinches and wrens can be seen fledging and goldcrests can be seen feeding their young. Greylags with goslings can be seen on the main lake along with high numbers of mallard and tufted ducks.

Wetland plants sightings - yellow flag iris, milfoil, bogbean, water forget me not, ragged robin, and bog asphodel.

Grassland plants sightings - Oxeye daisy, Red Campion, speedwells, scarlet pimpernel, birds foot trefoil, Yellow rattle, lesser trefoil, camomile, herb Robert, Tutsan (rose of Sharon).


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