Recent Sightings

Recent sightings from 5 October 2013 include:

There are 21,800 Brent Geese on the Lough

  • Main Lake : 300 Mallard, 100 Wigeon, 10 Teal, 70 Greylag, 6 Gadwalls, 1 Heron, 1 Cormorant, 22 Tufted Ducks, 5 Coots, 1 Shoveler, 1 Barnacle Goose and 1 Little Grebe
  • Wader Marsh : 2 Redshanks, 1 Heron and 1 Shelduck
  • Fresh Water Lagoon : 5 Tufted Ducks and 3 Coots
  • Saline Lagoon : 3 Little Grebes

Kingfisher has been spotted on the Main and Limestone lakes


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