Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 20th May sightings on the estuary included 350 oystercatchers, 2 grey plover, and 12 dunlin. Sightings on the saline lagoon included a pair of red breasted mergansers, 2 common tern [...]


On the 20th May sightings on the estuary included 350 oystercatchers, 2 grey plover, and 12 dunlin. Sightings on the saline lagoon included a pair of red breasted mergansers, 2 common terns and a pair of Shelduck.  The wader marsh had 86 Shelduck and a mute swan. The limestone lake had 2 little grebes, 4 tufted ducks and 1 graylag goose.

On the 19thGoldcrest spotted beside strawbale house. At the viewpoint sedge warbler singing too reed bunting. Through-out the marsh walk the following were sighted chiffchaff and blackcap singing,  3 orange tip butterfly,  2 large white butterfly, 2 common blue damselfly and a buzzard.  


The Peninsula Saltmarsh had 2 adult ringed plover with one young plus 4 other ringed plover and 2 black-tailed godwits, 5 dunlin, 2 oystercatchers and 2 shelduck.  

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