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Sneak behind the scenes at BBC Wild Week Live - Day 1

The BBC1 NI Wild Week team were quite
literally blown away on the first evening of filming Wild Week at Castle Espie last night!

Apart from the stunning views which are always guaranteed to take your breath away, the 70 mph gusts and the impending rain added to the dra! After minor relocations for filming purposes, the live event went very well.

As the anchor site for Wild Week, the centre and grounds have been wired for sound and real time action with BBC webcams focussed on all manner of wildlife from nesting birds to badgers, otters to bats and pine martens to swallows!

It has taken some five weeks, over 6 kilometres of cable and a huge production team to make Wild Week happen. The programme spans TV and radio and is also available online.

Temporarily replacing The One Show at 7pm on BBC1 NI this week, the first transmission last night, revealed the importance of wetlands for people and wildlife and the ongoing conservation work locally and worldwide facilitated by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT).

Castle Espie Grounds Manager, Kerry Mackie explained:

“WWT work tirelessly to both save existing and create new wetlands. We also help protect endangered wildfowl and have the largest collection of birds in Ireland. This enables visitors to get closer to understanding the plight of a host of endangered species that WWT works hard to conserve.”

Volunteer and Castle Espie’s resident bird expert, Dot Bleakley, showed what may be seen in a nest near you. However, Dot highlighted the importance of not getting too close to nesting birds at this time of year.

So check out Wild Week and find how to nurture nature on your doorstep. Or why not visit Castle Espie Wetland Centre and see what you are missing!

We have a host of activities to suit everyone. Mesolithic Man charts the history of the centre on Sunday 29 May, while Bank Holiday Monday welcomes artist Jim Russell who will help you create plasticine creatures! Usual wetland admission applies
to these events.

We are also running a week long promotion for new members joining by Friday 27 May. In addition to receiving a discounted copy of Watching Waterbirds (RRP £12.99 - offer price £9.74), you will also get a free mallard or cygnet cuddly subject to availability.

Castle Espie is open daily from 10.00am. Access to the car park, shop, Loughshore Café and Graffan Gallery is free.

For more information on these and other events please call 028 9187 4146 or click

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