Sparrowhawk chaos

Zeiss Hide
Hundreds of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Dunlin being chased around by a crazy female Sparrowhawk. Also 2 Peregrines around so lots of disturbance. Just a single crane and one Little Egret, 92 Teal and 295 Wigeon were mobbing the Sparrowhawk. Three Snipe and a redshank were seen and Skylark singing over the field and a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in the spinney.

Holden Tower and Tack Piece

Great birding here again. All 134 Whitefronts are on the Dumbles with at least 6 Cranes including 2 young and an unringed wild bird. The Jack Snipe along with 8 common Snipe was showing from the Martin Smith and 2 Water Rail at the Willow Hide. The main Tack Piece was full with hundreds of Lapwing, Golden Plover, Dunlin, wigeon and Teal. Around 40 Curlew 20 Redshank and 30 Ruff were among them.

South Lake

Great Crested Grebe 1 and Cormorant 7 on main Lake. Avocet 22, Lapwing 1197, Golden Plover 1, Ruff 1, Dunlin 12, Black Tailed Godwit 56 on the scrape with at least 12 Snipe scattered around the edges. Oystercatcher 2 on the causeway and some great close up Teal. Lots of Black Headed, Herring and even a few Common Gulls as well. Teal 53, Pochard 10, Gadwall 5 and Tufted Duck 11.

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