Still sitting...

Our resident Ospreys are still sitting tight on their two precious eggs despite the wilder turn of the weather- in fact such cool and stormy conditions are when their diligence is most important to keep the eggs warm. For those of us viewing the live nest camera on site though, the high winds rocking then nest back and forth can make you feel a little seasick! Despite being exposed to the elements Ospreys almost always prefer such high tree top nesting sites - prefferably with 360 degree views- for security.

Both birds have again been sharing incubation duties, and the male this morning seemed very reluctant to hand over to his mate on her return- he is certainly a proud father, or perhaps just too comfortable sitting snug on the nest.

Interestingly we have not been seeing the male bring many fish back to the nest- instead the female seems to be fishing ,at least partly, for herself during her turns off the nest. This will change though as soon as the chicks are hatched , when all responsibilty for keeping the family fed will fall on the male.

Another two weeks of waiting to go...

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