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Strangford Lough becomes emerged in the world of art

Turning Tides & Nests Exhibition

On the 3rd of March at 2pm Castle Espie Gallery, Ireland’s only environmental art space, will be opening the doors to the exhibition ‘Turning Tides and Nests.”

This is the inspired title of a joint exhibition by artists, Amanda Bradbury and Jennifer Brown.

The exhibition will run from Saturday 3rd March to the 18th March. The joint event brings two very different mediums and subjects into the frame.

Amanda has worked as a professional artist since 1997, but was drawing and observing animals and wild places from a very young age.  Amanda is particularly inspired by placing wildlife in their environment and has developed a number of styles ranging from realistic detailed studies to more abstract, inspired by light, colour and form of wild habitats.

While working on the interpretative fit out at the new Castle Espie Centre over two years, Strangford Lough could not fail to inspire Amanda and this collection reflects the very essence of this stunning location and the wildlife it supports. This is Amanda’s third exhibition and she has worked on many individually commissioned paintings and illustrations internationally.

Amanda says: "I am looking forward to exhibiting ‘Turning Tides’ for the first time in Northern Ireland. The unique and beautiful landscape and wildlife of Strangford Lough captured my imagination during my time here. WWT Castle Espie’s stunning views of the Lough makes it the perfect place to show my work."

Jennifer Brown, a textile artist from Belfast. graduated from the University of Ulster with a BA (Hons) in Fine Craft Design. She creates intricate embroidered pieces of art using hand and machine embroidery.

Jennifer says: “I love tactile uneven areas and shapes. My love for the work of artists Gustav Klimt and Friederich Hundertwasser is a constant source of inspiration. When starting to make a piece I find it evolves into the shape it becomes through the subconscious imagination and I allow instinct to take over."

‘Nests’ has been supported by the Arts Council (NI) SIAP Award.

You can see this exhibition at Castle Espie now.

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