Summer or Autumn?
Not only is the weather confusing the seasons but continued migration of summer visitors with some of our winter visitors mixed in has certainly got me confused! 150 House Martins and two flocks of Redwing totalling 120 were a case in point on Tuesday. A mating pair of Migrant hawkers and a Southern hawker this week are also extended the season.
A roost of around 150 Pied wagtails are definitely in autumn/winter mode as they gather to roost in the reedbed at dusk. This activity has already attracted attention from a Kestrel and a couple of Sparrowhawks as they try to capture their evening meal.
Kingfishers continue to show well around the reserve and as I write this, one is 'performing' in front of the gallery windows on Arun riverlife. There is also an increase in Tufted duck and Pochard with an occasional Wigeon on this area as well.
A surprise Grass snake yesterday swimming across one of the external ditches was most likely heading towards its winter hibernation site.