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'The Week That Was' at Castle Espie

Summer has arrived at Castle Espie but the sunshine doesn’t seem to have arrived with it – luckily our ducks and birds enjoy the rain and it looks like all of our visitors like it too!

Eyevan Dinsmore image

Eyevan Dinsmore's duaghter enjoys walking with the ducks in the rain

We’ve kicked off Nature Explores in style, with families visiting from all corners of Northern Ireland (and the world!) ...we even had an American explorer join us this week to catch up on all things Castle Espie. If you haven’t checked out our Nature Explorers activity, don’t panic – there is still plenty of time to get your imagination running wild and join in on our scavenger hunts, nature craft and to enjoy feeding the ducks, geese and swans – all the while, earning stickers for your Nature Explorers passport.

For more information, visit our events listing page -

The weekend saw the last of our Duckery Tours for the season. Keep your eyes peeled if you are visiting over the summer months as you will see the lovely ducklings out and about on the reserve now, learning how to be grown ups!


Ducklings waddle along the Castle Espie Reserve


Last but not least, for the art lovers among us, we launched our summer exhibition in the Castle Espie Gallery at the weekend. The Gallery can be accessed admission free, and this month you can see some stunning pieces by local artists Deborah Campbell and Chantalle and Andrew Coombes. As local artists, all three have captured the true beauty of Strangford Lough and the beautiful wildlife that graces our shores. The exhibition will be open to the public every day, up until Sunday 14th August.


Deborah Campbell

An image of Deborah Campbell's art work that is on display in the gallery 

Join us this week for more summer fun at Castle Espie, and tell us about your adventures at the centre by emailing for your chance to feature on the WWT Castle Espie Facebook page, or in ‘The Week that Was’.

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