Three egrets from the tower

All three species of egret were on offer from the Estuary Tower this morning - who could have imagined that even 10 years ago!

All three species of egret were on offer from the Estuary Tower this morning - who could have imagined that even 10 years ago!

Estuary Tower
Egret species one is the Great (White) Egret was back on the Pillbox Pool again this morning, showing well as usual from the tower or the Knott Hide. Also on the pool were a Kingfisher and two Green Sandpiper. A Hobby flew past the tower very close and then off towards the Zeiss Hide putting up the waders on the Top New Piece who then moved out to the river. Out on the river were a small flock of 30+ Dunlin, three Sanderling and a single Curlew Sandpiper. The Curlew roost contained at least 180 birds. Egret species two was Little Egret with at least 13 roosting along the edge of the Dumbles at high tide. A flock of duck comprising 19 Wigeon and four Pintail flew in from the north adding a touch of winter to the estuary. Another four Wigeon and another single Pintail were on the Long Ground Pool.

Zeiss Hide
Egret species three was a Cattle Egret perched in the hedge by the southern pillbox along the seawall with Grey Heron. The English Longhorn cattle are now grazing the Top New Piece so the bird may drop back in here during the day. Also from the Zeiss Hide were a single Garganey, two more Wigeon, 243 Teal, six Black-tailed Godwit, 22 Gadwall, 18 Shoveler and a calling Cetti's Warbler.

South Lake
The Spotted Redshank was with nine Redshank this morning. The wader scrape also held 201 Black-tailed Godwit, 104 Lapwing, ten Ruff and 11 Snipe. The deep lake held 47 Tufted Duck, 23 Gadwall and 29 Teal.

Decoy Hide
The growing Little Grebe chick was being fed by an adult.

Rushy Hide
Two juvenile Ruff were on the lower pond with a Green Sandpiper, seven Lapwing, a Snipe, 18 Black-tailed Godwit, 49 Teal and two Shoveler also noted. A flock of 12 Siskin continued the winter theme as they flew over the Rushy towards the Decoy.

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