Todays Sightings

It is a cold spring morning here at Caerlverock. On my cycle in to work, I heard the first grasshopper warbler, which was a fantastic start to the day. If you are visiting the reserve the grasshopper [...]

It is a cold spring morning here at Caerlverock. On my cycle in to work, I heard the first grasshopper warbler, which was a fantastic start to the day. If you are visiting the reserve the grasshopper warbler was calling approximately 1.5km from the reserve entrance in the mature hedgerow by the side of the road.

Things to look out for today:

We have had a large passage of golden plover in full breeding plumage; it is well worth looking for a dotterel hidden amongst the plovers 

Sedge warblers are now in the area and calling on the reserve; blackcap, chiffchaff and willow warblers continue to grace the reserve.

Check out the wagtails as there are white wagtails on site.

Over 7000 Barnacle geese are in a feeding frenzy preparing for their epic migration

Only 1 whooper swan on site today (many of our Whoopers have already arrived back in Icelend to breed)

A Wheatear has been sighted displaying on the Merse from the Salcot Hide

Plenty of skylark singing and meadow pipits feeding on the wet grassland and over the Merse; in addtion half a dozen linnets were seen from Salcot Hide on the gorse 

If the temperature rises this afternoon look out for orange tip, small tortoiseshell, peacock, small white and green viened butterflies

There are some impressive Roe deer stags on the reserve and brown hare

As it warms in the afternoon we have had a mass emergence of St Mark's fly Bibio marci, with lots of flying invertebrates on site it will be an excellent night for hunting bats

The POD opposite Teal Pond has oystercatcher and mute swan sitting on nests and blackcap and willow warbler in full song next to this pod today

2 pairs of rook are busy tending to their nests in the Peter Scott Trail

Common frog and toad are on the reserve 

If you are visiting the reserve today please report any sightings to the reception desk... 

Rob Martyr, Snr Warden

Whooper Pond

Mute Swan 11

Tufted Duck 1

Mallard 51 

Oystercatcher 2

Folly Pond

Black-tailed Godwit 3

Shoveler 10

Teal 8

Shelduck 3

Whooper swan 1

Flood Ground

We have sitting lapwing on the flood ground and in Lochar Field so watch out for the lapwings fiercely defending their nests, mobbing crows and gulls  

Mute Swan 4

Wigeon 7

Teal 17

Gadwall 2

Moorhen 2

Black Tailed Godwit 1

Shelduck 2

Oystercatcher 2

Teal Pond

Mute Swan 1 (sitting on nest)

Gadwall 4

Little Grebe 2

Moorhen 3

Avenue Tower

Golden Plover 800

Lapwing 19

Wheatear 1


Chiffchaff 2
Willow Warbler 7
Blackcap 2
White Wagtail 2
Swallow 9
House Martin 3

Badger Cam

Dont miss our live Badger Webcam!! During the day the camera points out onto the Folly Pond, then come 5pm, the camera is moved so you can watch our badgers feeding. Last night a fox and badgers came out. the link is

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