Todays Sightings

Green-winged Teal For the last few month we have had a drake American Green-winged Teal residing on the Folly Pond. hen the bird was first seen one thing stood out on the bird and that was the ext [...]

Green-winged Teal

For the last few month we have had a drake American Green-winged Teal residing on the Folly Pond. hen the bird was first seen one thing stood out on the bird and that was the extensive gold colouration on the birds head. Although this is highly variable in the American race it was a concern that this bird was a hybrid American x Eurasian.

Other features were therefore needed to confirm its purity and in the field the covert feathers which make up the white horizonal stripe on the Eurasian Teal, where buff coloured, which is a good feature for the American Race. Also the pinkish colouration on the breast is a also a good feature for the american race. Due to the high variation in the colouration on the head it was decided that this bird was a pure bird.

Due to this news was put out on this bird daily however, more recently questions arose again about the purity of the bird and images were sent to some American bird watchers and authors to share their veiw.

The images were sent to Peter Pyle from Lee Evens and the respsonse came back -

'North American Green-winged Teals can be highly variable and it seems that the prominent gold rim this drake shows bordering the green stripe is well within the variation of this species, True hybrids always show a preponderance of a white lateral scapular stripe which this bird does not show, as well as a much ill-defined vertical flank-stripe.... It does seem to show all other requisite features including the deeper buff tips to the greater coverts'

The local rarity Panel also looked over the bird and it was concluded by them that this was a pure bird and was accepted by them.

Local birdwatchers who have also seen the bird in the field have also mentioned that they believe it to be a pure bird.

At the end of the day the best to to do it head on down to Caerlaverock and see the bird in the field and then make your own judgement on this bird.

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond 

Whooper Swan 70
Wigeon 120
Tufted Duck 62
Teal 1
Gadwall 1

Teal Pond

Teal 320
Wigeon 200
Shoveler 20

Flood Ground

Wigeon 150
Teal 20

Teal Pond

Gadwall 1


Yellowhammer 7
Redwing 1
Fieldfare 10
Tree Sparrow 7
Goldcrest 2
Treecreeper 3

Badger Cam

Dont miss our live Badger Webcam!! During the day the camera points out onto the Folly Pond, then come 5pm, the camera is moved so you can watch our badgers feeding. Last night a fox and badgers came out. the link is


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