Tuesday sightings

  It is very still with a hint of north westerly, mild with intermittent showers. Around the Visitor Centre and Farm House Tower swallows and house martins are hunting. Starlings have nes [...]


It is very still with a hint of north westerly, mild with intermittent showers.

Around the Visitor Centre and Farm House Tower swallows and house martins are hunting. Starlings have nested above the bike sheds.

Peter Scott Trail:

Similar to yesterday chiffchaff and willow warblers are in full voice. Warblers, black birds, song thrushes, finches, blue and great tits, dunnock and wren continue to sing away. The moorhen is still sitting on a nest very close to the path; and the rooks were busily feeding their chicks.

Whooper Pond:

This morning there were 7 mute swans, 10 tufted duck and 32 mallards.

Folly Pond:

The solo whooper swan remains on Folly Pond. Other species on Folly Pond this morning included 4 black headed gulls, 3 oystercatchers, 4 shovelor, 12 widgeon, 11 teal, 27 mallards, 3 shelduck.

Salcot Merse Observatory:

Skylarks, meadow pipits, lapwings, golden plover, shelduck and redshank are in good numbers on the merse.

9 snipe were found in eastpark merse so look through a scope around the ruin opposite the Salcot Merse Observatory 

Teal Pond:

A little grebe is fishing again in front of the POD, the mute swan is once more asleep on the nest. It is a great spot today for warblers as chiffchaff, black cap, sedge and willow warbler can be heard. There are 4 gadwall on Teal Pond also today.

Campbell Hide:

Teal, widgeon, moorhen, shelduck, sitting & displaying lapwing are in the flood ground. There are plenty of crane flies flying today so keep an out for what is eating them!

Avenue Tower:

Lapwings continue having their daily battle warding off crows on Lochar Field and Tower field. Skylarks and meadow pipits are ground feeding; keep an eye out for wheatear.

The leverets are again in Tower Field.

Other sightings:

There were 3380 barnacle geese on site this morning. 

Near Netherlochar Woods whimbrel have been seen during a survey.

An osprey was seen returning from the Solway with a fish.


With warm conditions it should be a great evening for sand martin and a good night for bats. 


If you see anything exciting on the reserve today please let us know at reception.

(Rob Martyr, Snr Warden)


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