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Two Weeks of Fun Before the School Run

With Classroom antics looming over the kids why not blow out the last 2 weeks of summer and join us at Castle Espie Wetland Centre for woodland mini beats hunts, pond dipping and the chance to meet some baby owls - Trix the Great Gray Owl, Woody the Asian Brown Wood Owl and of course Tata the Spectacle Owl.

Woodland Mini-beast hunt, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August
With a guide on hand hunt the dark crevices and woodpiles of our woodland for millipedes, centipedes, woodlouse, and other creepy crawlies. Takes place between 11am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm.

Pond Dipping Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th August
Try pond dipping for aquatic life such as Leeches, Freshwater Hoglouse, Pond snails, or Greater Water boatman – with help on hand to explain what you’ve caught. Takes place between 11am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm.

The Owl Man, Monday 27th August
Come along and meet a menagerie of birds of prey from various parts of the world, 5 different species of owl will be on show, including Rowan the magnificent European Eagle Owl and as highlighted above the new baby owls which have just joined the collection. Learn about their habitats and why conservation is so important to their future.

Why not visit our summer exhibition ‘’Seasons’ by artist Grahame Booth in Castle Espie Gallery running from Saturday 25th August to Sunday the 9th September. Followed by summer homemade delights and coffee/tea in our Loughshore cafe.

All events are included in the cost of admission. For more information about WWT Castle Espie, please visit or call 028 91 874146. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter @WWTcastleespie.

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