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Wetland Wildlife Weekend

AmphibianJoin us to celebrate World Wetlands Day    (2 Feb), an international celebration of wetlands.  Mantella Environmental Education will be bring along their amphibians and insects for everyone to meet, take part in wetland themed activities in a day long drop in and experience a fun introduction into what wetlands do for us followed by a whirlwind tour of the wetlands at Castle Espie running at 12pm and 2pm each day.

Or why not try your hand at making your own animal bookmark craft. Drop in between 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm each day to give that a go. Then there is always our fun wetland game. Take part and learn how plants grow from 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm. All in all, a busy two days of enjoyable learning experiences for all the family.

World Wetland Day 2014 is the UN International Year of Family Farming – so therefore Ramsar Convention chose Wetlands & Agriculture as the World Wetlands Day theme for 2014. And what a great theme for Ramsar, given that wetlands are so often intimately linked with agriculture. Their slogan? Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth, placing a focus on the need for the wetland and agricultural sectors (and the water sector too of course) to work together for the best shared outcomes.

Wetlands have often been seen as a barrier to agriculture, and they continue to be drained and reclaimed to make farming land available. But the essential role of wetlands in support of agriculture is becoming clearer and clearer, and there are successful agricultural practices which support healthy wetlands.

Other events taking place over the weekend include ‘Guide in the Hide’ on Sunday afternoon so journey down to the Brent hide where Castle Espie Bird Watching Club will share their expert bird knowledge with you. Helping identify different wildfowl and waders that come to our shore in the winter months.

All events included in cost of admission and free to WWT members.

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