Wildlife Sightings for 20th November 2023

2 Shelduck on the wader scrape. Good number of wintering Water Rail on site. Goldeneye on the main lake. Mixed flock of finches feeding on the entrance lake trees.

1 Bittern - main lake, from WWF Hide

2 Shelduck - wader scrape

1 Water Pipit - marsh

1 Meadow Pipit - marsh

7 Redwing - over west

2 Water Rail - sheltered lagoon

1 Goldeneye - main lake

1 Kestrel - entrance lakes

3 Great Crested Grebe - main lake, reservoir lagoon

31 Lapwing - main lake

39 Teal - wader scrape

38 Wigeon - site count (19/11)

122 Gadwall - site count (19/11)

135 Black Headed Gull - site count (19/11)

12 Common Gull - site count (19/11)

7 Lesser Black Backed Gull - site count (19/11)

104 Herring Gull - site count (19/11)

25+ mixed flock of Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch feeding in the large trees around the entrance lakes. Lots of Blue Tit feeding in the reedbeds, chewing through reed stems in search of insects and grubs. Large number of Grey Heron stalking through the flooded wader scrape, with Teal feeding amongst flooded redshank and loosestrife. Good views of Dunnock on the south route since the hedges have lost their leaves. Bittern should still be on site, but very elusive individual is proving hard to pin down. Good reed areas including main reedbeds, summer route and sheltered lagoon 'reed island' all holding good numbers of wintering Water Rail. Find a quiet spot, and with a bit of patience you will hear them calling to each other. With some extra luck, you might even catch a glimpse! You can find our resident Cormorants and Great Crested Grebe on the main lake and reservoir lagoon, diving and hunting for fish. If you're lucky you may even spot a Cormorant in the reedbeds, where they are usually hunting for pike and European eel. Lots of juvenile Gull on site, learning and practicing foraging and feeding skills.

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