Wildlife Sightings for 24th September 2023

Peregrine hunting for half an hour over site. Large movement of Hirundines over the site.

1 Marsh Harrier - over E

1 Peregrine - hunting over marsh

1 Hobby - entrance lakes

1 Sparrowhawk - south route

1 Kingfisher - wader scrape

1 Wheatear - marsh

3 Stonechat - scrape

3 Meadow Pipit - marsh

6 Barn Swallow - over S

100+ House Martin - over S

14 Chiffchaff - mostly south route and sheltered lagoon (24/09/2023)

7 Blackcap - sheltered lagoon, wildside (24/09/2023)

2 Snipe - marsh

1 Common Sandpiper - main lake

20+ Stock Dove - marsh, scrape, main lake

Wintering duck are building up in number with high counts of Gadwall in particular. Teal, Shoveler, Wigeon and Gadwall continue to arrive from their eastern continental breeding grounds. Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Finch species and Thrush species are also migrating and can be watched flying over the reserve or dropping in to feed. There's been a few Marsh Harriers spotted recently - these birds often roost overnight in the reedbed at this time of year. Check out the scrublands and hedgerows for migrant Warbler species. And once the main lake water level drops a little (due to recent heavy rain storms) there should be a few exciting autumn waders to be found, such as Black-tailed Godwit.

Dragonflies: Migrant Hawker, Common Darter, Common Blue Damselfly

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