Wildlife Sightings for 7th April 2023

A fair few birds of prey over the site. Sedge and Reed Warbler by the main lake.

1 Yellow Wagtail - wader scrape

1 Rook - main lake/marsh

1 Willow Warbler - wildside

1 Osprey - flying North

9 Buzzard - over site

3 Red Kite - over site

1 Yellow-Legged Gull - reservoir lagoon

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

1 House Martin - main lake

1 Sedge Warbler - main lake

1 Reed Warbler - main lake

2 Blackcap - sheltered lagoon

1 Little Grebe - main lake

1 Sparrowhawk - wader scrape

1 Kestrel - over site

3 Siskin - entrance

1 Reed Bunting - reservoir lagoon

30+ Sand Martin - across site

16 Cetti's Warbler - site count

11 Chiffchaff - south and west routes

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