Winter Sunday

Brisk, cold easterly winds make for wintery conditions on the reserve. The early morning minimum temperature was only 1°C.   Peter Scott Trail: A lone chiffchaff called from the c [...]

Brisk, cold easterly winds make for wintery conditions on the reserve.

The early morning minimum temperature was only 1°C.


Peter Scott Trail:

A lone chiffchaff called from the canopies and a male siskin joined the finches and tits around the feeders.

Whooper Pond:

2 hardy sand martins joined 19 swallows and 5 house martins on hunting sprees over Whooper Pond.

Other sightings included 26 mute swans, 3 tufted duck, 37 mallards and 4 moorhen.

Folly Pond:

Folly Pond sightings included 3 gadwall, 3 oystercatchers, 1 shovelor, 6 teal, 27 mallards and 7 black tailed godwit.

Salcot Merse Observatory:

Only 4 skylarks, 4 lapwings, 1 shelduck and 13 gloden plovers were seen this morning; however linnet, snipe, wheatear and redshank are out there to be spotted for those patient observers.

Teal Pond:

Willow warblers, black cap and chiffchaff remain vocal near the viewing pod however the sedge warblers remain silent!

A pair of gadwall have been showing well in front of the viewing pod.

Campbell Hide:

There were 9 teal, 4 widgeon, 2 moorhen, 2 shelduck and 1 lapwing sitting lapwing. Pied wagtails are still fluttering in front of the hide bringing food to their nest in the hide roof.

Avenue Tower:

There were 3 lapwing in Lochar Field and 4 in Tower Field. Lochar Field and Tower Field are still excellent vantage points to view the golden plover passage with 326 feeding today.

Other sightings:

Only 2 barnacle geese were on site this morning?

1 common sandpiper and a white wagtail were seen on Saturday therefore keep those scopes panning...

Male natterjack toads have been found on the Caerlaverock National Nature Reserve in the past few days so when those temperatures reach double figures midweek listen out for their mating calls on the WWT site...

If you see anything exciting on the reserve today please let us know at reception.

(Rob Martyr, Snr Warden) 

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