WWT Caerlaverock news 15th August 2012

In the last week waders have been arriving with two green sandpipers on the 11th and a ruff on the 13th and the flock of lapwings is now over 600 strong. A juvenile marsh harrier has been quartering the merses for the last week and up to 3 ospreys have been seen daily perched on driftwood off Saltcot Merse. A male garganey put in a brief appearance and three little egrets have been showing on and off, still a relatively unusual bird in this area. Hundreds of sand martins and swallows are packing the overhead wires ready to fly south and up to 100 swifts have been hawking over the merses. There have also been recent build ups of teal, shoveler, curlew and starlings.

There are still a few places left on our next Stars and Stripes badger watches from Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th September. It is a unique event that gives you the opportunity to watch wild Badgers feeding just outside our comfortable observatory. 8pm till late and refreshments are included. Booking is essential as places are limited, tickets must be paid for in advance; Adults £7.50, Concessions. £5 and Children £2.50. Phone 01387 770200.


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