A generation ago the world began to wake up to climate change
and today we can celebrate the steady successes that are building
toward a low-carbon revolution. Change came because people
could see the need for action, because campaigners spoke up for
the people, and because Government listened and took action.
Climate change is, however, not the only great environmental
threat we face. It is one of many.
This year, we’re on the cusp of another unique opportunity.
Nature is on a knife-edge and the Government has promised to
adopt a 25 Year Environment Plan to help restore the balance.
The plan is to be based on the inspiring ambition for us to be the
first generation to leave the natural environment in better shape
than we found it. A great idea, if we can achieve it.
In this report, WWT sets out affordable, practical proposals that will
make us richer in Nature and help to achieve the overall aim of that
plan. By putting our need for Nature at the heart of decision-making
we can make our economy stronger, our communities happier and
healthier, and we can protect our precious wildlife. WWT illustrates
the case through the wonder of wetlands, but recognises that we
need to treat our environment as a whole: climate, water, air, earth
— and people.
People care about nature, campaigners are speaking out, the time
is right for action. I urge Government to listen and make this Plan
for Nature a real turning point for Nature, because what is good for
the health of the natural environment will in the end be good for our
country, its economy and its people.