42 Taiga Bean Goose at Sarobetsu, Japan
©Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
(2013) 63: 40–55
Kamihoronobe district in Horonobe Town
and Ubushi district in Teshio Town (main
roost = Teshio Oxbow Lakes) (Fig. 2).
As the study area is so large, there is no
single location from which all of it can be
seen. There is, however, an observation
tower in the Shimonuma district, 2.5 km
from Lake Penke. Part of the lake is visible
from the tower and both the Shimonuma
and Shinsei districts (zone C) can also be
Figure 1
. Map showing the location of the Sarobetsu Plain and other autumn and spring staging sites
of Taiga Bean Goose in Hokkaido (Sorachi, Tokachi and Iburi), as well as the main wintering sites in
Honshu (Niigata and Miyagi), Japan.