Taiga Bean Goose at Sarobetsu, Japan 43
©Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
(2013) 63: 40–55
viewed to the north. From the top of the
tower, it is possible to watch geese flying to
and from feeding sites in the Ochiai and
Nishitoyotomi districts (zones C and D)
and moreover, in autumn, geese moving to
zone E and/or leaving the Sarobetsu area
Figure 2
. Detailed map showing the Sarobetsu Plain and the staging habitat of Taiga Bean Geese which
mostly falls within the five major areas shown: zone A = Lake Kabuto and nearby pasture; zone B = pasture;
zone C = Lake Penke and nearby pasture and corn fields; zone D = an oxbow lake and pasture along both
sides of the Teshio River, and; zone E = the outskirts of the Sarobetsu Plain associated with oxbow lakes.