
Wander along our wooden boardwalk of decks and bridges through a peaceful world of reeds, lakes and ponds.


Make a detour along the little path to the Reed Chamber in the carr woodland. A lovely quiet place to sit and relax while you take in the sounds of the reedbed. It makes a great shelter in case of a sudden shower, too!

Journey through woodland carr to discover how wetland converts to woodland as tree leaves build up, decomposing into soil. The reedbed stretches onwards past the thatched building of Wetland Secrets (where you can find out about wetland plants and how we have used them as food and medicine throughout history) to the Reedbed Hide with excellent views over the reedbed.

Wildlife tips

The stretch of the boardwalk, beside the Meadow Maze, is a great spot to look for water voles. In the reedbed listen out for reed buntings and cettis warblers and look up to see the majestic Offham Hanger, where peregrines and buzzards soar. In woodland carr you may spot blue tits nesting or water rails in the winter. At Reedbed Hide the feeding tables often attract wintering bearded tits and nest boxes home to Pipistrelle bats.

Did you know?

The reedbed here at Arundel is one of the largest in Sussex and designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI). Reedbeds are a priority habitat for nature conservation in the UK and WWT are working hard to restore and maintain this vital habitat for wildlife.