1st January 2016! - Happy New Year - Latest Sightings

Happy New Year everyone!

A dry and bright morning here on the reserve and a bit cooler, only 3 degrees at 9am.

Why not start the year by trying to see as many species of bird as you can by taking part in our New Years Day Bird Race?! 10am - 4pm with a prize for the winner...

Our two American ducks are still here, the drake Green-winged Teal on the Folly Pond and the drake Ring-necked Duck on the Whooper Pond.

Today's high tide is at 16:45  8.1m

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 7000
Whooper Swans: 134

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 134
Mute Swan 49
Ring-necked Duck 1♂
Mallard 6
Tufted Duck 35
Wigeon 60
Canada Geese 120
Greylag Geese 7
Oystercatcher 2

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂
Teal 120
Wigeon 200
Mallard 10
Shoveler 30
Redshank 50

Teal Pond
Mallard 20
Gadwall 2
Teal 2
Snipe 2

Peter Scott Trail
Water Rail 2

Avenue Tower
Teal 300
Wigeon 50
Mallard 8
Shoveler 1
Little Egret 2
Roe Deer 2

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Barnacle Geese
Peregrine 1
Merlin 1
Hen Harrier 1♂ - seen here most days
Over the high tide
Dunlin 3000
Knot 2000
Pintail 1000
Shelduck 3000
Oystercatcher 500
Golden Plover 700

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Song Thrush
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Lesser Redpoll
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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