The Caerlaverock Bird Race is back for 2024!

After all the fun we had last year, we are bringing back the Caerlaverock Bird Race, this time with a third team! Who knows their birds and who mistakes a blackbird for a robin? Get ready to place your bets and follow along here and in the centre.

Rules are as follows: teams will count how many species of bird they see for the whole of January only on the reserve. Any rarities have to be verified either by a photo or a companion. Whoever sees the most wins!

Meet the teams

Team Warden: Annie and Jake are confident they can improve on last year's score and beat the other teams once and for all!

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Second is Team Placement. What our rookies lack in experience, they more than make up for in enthusiasm. Ed and Meg are secretly (or not so secretly!) confident they will smash it out the park.

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And last but not least, Team Dave. Dave is our site manager and is running this race solo to prove once and for all that Gen X is better than Gen Z.

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Teams, start your engines, and may the best birders win!

Words by Marianne Nicholson

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