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Caerlaverock sightings 7.5.13

A scan from The Farmhouse Tower today would indicate that the Barnacle Geese have finally left us. 40 could be found yesterday, 800 on Sunday past.  Two Whooper Swans do remain on The Floodground though. Golden Plovers are still coming through, resplendent in summer plumage, similarly variable nos. of Black-tailed Godwits. White Wagtails are still to be found on occasion too. The Little Grebe pair are busy nest-building in front of The Teal Pond Hide, where yesterday a Grey Heron caught, killed and ate the largest eel I've ever seen a heron tackle! Two Little Egrets are hunting in creeks on the merse.

Good nos. of Hares around, with five "boxers" together in The Corner Field. Roe Deer too are pretty easy to find

On CCTV the Ospreys are incubating three eggs, though sadly not usually fishing off our frontage so actual sighting remain scarce. The Barn Owl cam is also working well, five eggs in the usual box

Steve Cooper

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