Latest Sightings - 11th November - Sunny and frosty + named Whooper update

A fantastic sunny and frosty morning on the reserve.

Good numbers of Whooper Swan are here with some possible new arrivals, and it seems we have had an influx of Wigeon over the past few days.

Here is the full list of named Whooper Swans which have returned so far. We still expect more swans to arrive as the weather turns colder so keep an eye on our sightings if your swan hasn't returned yet.
Rainbow - orange ZKN
Hagar - orange YKJ
Bowie - yellow Z7S
McMurdoston - orange YPH
Suzanne - yellow Z9T
Balthazar - orange ZGJ
Eric Anthony - orange YFB
Lucky Linda - orange YRG
Elsie Barbara - red APR
Obi Swan Kanobi - orange YFS
Monty - Red APH
Hendrik - yellow Z9F
PP - yellow Z6T
Orchid - orange YJC
Princess Layer - metal ZY8743 (she has lost her coloured ring)
Linda H - orange YJL
Professor Sponge - orange YJF
Dawnie Pie - orange YRJ
Queen of the South - yellow Z9E
Patricia - orange YFA
Annabel - orange ZJA
Don - orange YSC
Whoopie - orange ZKX
Fearn - orange YFN
Stephen - orange YRS
George - red APC
Argyll - yellow Z4A
Joyce - orange ZHF
Atty - orange ZAB
Blackbill Cupcake - orange YHP
Andrew K - orange ZHP
Ruth C - orange YFZ

Todays high tide is at 09:00, 8.4m.

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 7,000

Whooper Swans: 131

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 112 + 19 cygnets
Mute Swan 25 + 7 cygnets
Canada Geese 58
Greylag geese 11
Mallard 221
Wigeon 219
Tufted Duck 34
Moorhen 2
Gadwall 3♂
Teal 15
Shoveler 1
Greater Scaup 1 (Juvenile)

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂
Teal 100
Wigeon 28
Moorhen 3
Shoveler 16
Mallard 2

Teal Pond
Wigeon 5

Avenue Tower
Wigeon 50
Teal 5
Shoveler 4
Greylag Geese 2
Mallard 2
Longhorn Cattle 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Peregrine 1
Merlin 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Hen Harrier 2 (male and ringtail)
Kestrel 1
Pink footed Geese 300+
Greylag Geese 20
Canada Goose 300
Pintail 200+
Wigeon 200+
Dunlin 200+
Golden Plover 100+
Knot 200+
Hebridean Sheep 12

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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The winter webcam is now showing the Whooper Pond.

The first few Whooper Swans have already shown up and later in the winter we enjoy the superb spectacle of up to 300 of them along with a variety of wild ducks and geese at feed times - 11:00 and 14:00 daily

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