Latest Sightings - 4th May - Tawny Owl chick!

Great news, the Tawny Owl we had been seeing around the box opposite the Peter Scott Observatory has at least 1 chick!

A visitor got a snap of the Tawny chick last night perched on it's doorstep. We will watch closely to see how many might be in the box and as they grow they will likely perch around the entrance.

A pair of late Whooper Swans are in a field east of Bankend this morning.

Today's high tide is at 10:55  8.9m

Around the reserve today:

Whooper Swan: 2 - near Bankend

Whooper Pond
Mallard 6
Tufted Duck 4
Grey Heron 1
Oystercatcher 2 - nesting

Folly Pond
Mallard 10
Shelduck 2
Wigeon 2
Redshank 2
Black-tailed Godwit 10
Oystercatcher 2

Teal Pond
Little Grebe 2 - nest building
Mute Swan 2 - on a nest with 8 eggs

Avenue Tower
Teal 6
Mallard 8 - 6 ducklings
Shelduck 6
Mute Swan 2 - on a nest
Black-headed Gull 26
Lapwing 9 - nesting
Redshank 8
Black-tailed Godwit 17
Grey Heron 1
Oystercatcher 2 - nesting

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)
Willow Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Sand Martin

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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