Latest Sightings

Barnacle Geese
Around 1000 around the reserve today, best viewed from the Farmhouse Tower

Whooper Pond

Whooper Swan 20
Mute Swan 20
Mallard 20
Tufted Duck 10
Wigeon 25
Oystercatcher 2

Folly Pond

Teal 20
Wigeon 10
Shoveler 6
Redshank 20
Black-headed Gull 4

Teal Pond

Little Grebe 1
Tufted Duck 5
Mute Swan 2 (nest building)

Avenue Tower

Teal 10
Wigeon 10
Lapwing 15
Whooper Swan 2
Black-headed Gull 23 (including a white colour ringed bird)

Avenues & Feeders

Reed Bunting
Song Thrush
Tree Sparrow 2+

Tide Time and Height

1455 – 9.0m

Rare Bird Alert

For the very latest bird news from around the country, Read the news first with Rare Bird Alert the fast, accurate, comprehensive news service for sightings of rare and scarce birds throughout the UK. For more information call the RBA team on 01603 457016

Osprey & Badger Cam

Our Osprey Nest Camera is up and running in the Visitor Centre Coffee Shop, so we are just waiting for the birds to return to the nest. We hope to be able to show it online soon, but problems with our internet connection means we can’t at the moment. This also means that, for the moment, we can’t show Badger Cam. We are working on the problem and will hopefully have them online soon.

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Follow us on Twitter @WWTCaerlaverock for instant WWT Caerlaverock bird news, wildlife news and upcoming events to your mobile phone or computer. This is a great way to get instant news as we update from our mobile phones as we are finding the birds.    Also ‘Like’ us on Facebook

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