Latest Sightings

The first Pink-footed Geese of the Autumn have arrived on the merse. 5 of them are visible from the Farmhouse Tower or Saltcot Merse Observatory.

High Tide 17:00  8.8m

Back Pond Hide


Whooper Pond

Mallard 148 - in eclipse plumage

Tufted Duck 4

Shoveler 4

Teal 1

Little Grebe 4 - 1 adult & 3 juveniles

Canada Geese 3

Folly Pond

Teal 600

Mallard 10

Shoveler 14

Wigeon 6

Lapwing 60

Ruff 1

Black-tailed Godwit 8

Avenue Tower

Mute Swan 2 + 5 cygnets

Teal 1

Curlew 4

Greylag Geese 10

Canada Geese 1

Lapwing 150

Buzzard 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory

Pink-footed Geese 5

Avenues & Feeders

House Martin

Barn Swallow

Stock Dove

Reed Bunting


Song Thrush

Blue Tit

Great Tit

Coal Tit





House Sparrow

Tree Sparrow




Osprey Cam

Having failed to breed, and abandoned the nest, we thought that was it for our Ospreys this year. However, our usual male (yellow 80) has once again returned, having been seen in Cumbria, and he has brought a new mate back to the nest. They have been reinforcing their pair bonds and fixing up the nest so we are hopeful for next year.

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