Latest Sightings - Saturday 24th February

Another brilliantly sunny start to the day, a light frost this morning which is melting quickly in the sun. A brisk north easterly wind keeping things fresh. Plenty of wildfowl on the ponds & fields, birds are singing down the Avenues.

A Stoat was darting around the yard near the picnic area this morning, so keep your eyes peeled!

Named Whooper Swan arrivals:

XKU - Solway Siren
ZHP - Andrew K    &    ZXJ - Ruth C          A pair with 5 cygnets
YFS - Obi Swan Kenobi   &   YHZ - Princess Layer ( but she has lost her coloured darvic ring)
YSJ - Sheldon Whooper
YTG - Jack
Z6L - Rooby   &   Z7S - Bowie        A pair with 1 cygnet
Z9F - Hendrick   &   Z6T - PP       A pair with 1 cygnet
YRG - Lucky Linda
YSU - Nye
XKA - Eleanor
YSF - Topsy
YJL - Linda H
YTC - Margaret Ruth
APR - Elsie Barbara & YFB - Eric Anthony
ZGJ - Balthazar & YFP - BekahJo
YKJ- Hagar (lost coloured darvic ring)
YHV - Wowsie
YHD - Fionnaghal
Z4A - Argyll
XLN - Gylfi
YRN - Douglas Flintoff
ZXD - Professor Sponge
YPK - Euan David
(Lost coloured ring) - New York Lady
ZDL - Rose (in with her mate and 2 cygnets)
YDK - Rowena (in with a mate and 1 cygnet)
Z5N - Andy
Z9T - Suzanne (in with her mate and 4 cygnets)
YHC - Charlie (in with a mate and 1 cygnet)
ZAB - Atty & YJH - Kate Two
APC- George
(Lost coloured ring)- Aspen
Z7G- Charners
YSK- Countess of Boulogne & YRS - Steven      A pair with 5 cygnets
YFN - Fearn
(Lost coloured ring) - Snoopy
(Lost coloured ring) - Blackbill Cupcake
YHH - Lady Ela
ZGL - Elin
YPH- McMurdoston & YTF - Odette*       A pair with 2 cygnets
ZFP - Siljy

Today's high tide is at 17:21, 8.2m.

Whooper Swans: 170
Barnacle Geese: around 4,000+

Around the reserve:

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 170
Mute Swan 45
Mallard 57
Gadwall 1
Wigeon 59
Teal 12
Tufted Duck 32
Canada Geese 4
Greylag Geese 1
Moorhen 3
Greater Scaup 1 female
Little Egret 1
Oystercatcher 2

Folly Pond
Teal 236
Wigeon 107
Shoveler 35
Mallard 56
Curlew 36
Redshank 11
Black-tailed Godwit 5
Lapwing 49

Teal Pond
Wigeon 59
Teal 26
Mallard 10
Gadwall 4
Tufted Duck 3
Mute Swan 2
Moorhen 1

Avenue Tower
Teal 284
Wigeon 164
Mallard 5
Shoveler 8
Gadwall 5
Pintail 4
Gooseander  (female) 2
Moorhen 1
Curlew 47
Lapwing 32
Little Egret 1

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Buzzard 1
Peregrine 2 adults (pair)
Merlin 1
Hen Harrier 1 male 
Mute Swan 2
Barnacle Geese 2,000
Pink-footed Geese 2000+
Shelduck 65
Wigeon 50
Red-breasted Merganser 6
Mallard 20
Golden Plover 100+
Dunlin 4250+
Knot 4500+
Lapwing 85
Oystercatcher 2000
Curlew 150
Little Egret 7
Great Black-backed Gull 20
Black-headed Gull 20
Common Gull 260
Herring Gull 5
Hebridean Sheep 9
Longhorn Cattle 2

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)
Lesser Redpoll
Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker


The winter webcam is now showing the Whooper Pond during the day and the badger feeding area from 5pm onwards.

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