Monday August 1st

No sign yet today, but yesterday morning gave great views of the young Marsh Harrier again, this time hunting over the upper merse terraces, close to Saltcot Merse Onservatory. While enjoying that spectacle, we were distracted by a Red Kite which dropped in to feed in one of the recently cut fields before taking thermals up high and away to the east. Though relatively common now in our region through the successful reintroduction programme, Red Kites have yet to spread this far east in any nos., and this bird was the first seen here for some time. 80 Curlews were also in the fields, and a Greenshank was heard

Today's high tide 11:57     8.8m

Around the reserve today:

Red Clover
White Clover
Red Campion
Northern Marsh Orchid
Twayblade Orchid
Yellow Rattle
Meadow Buttercup
Common Birds-foot Trefoil
Greater Birds-foot Trefoil
Germander Speedwell

Common Blue Damselfly
Blue-tailed Damselfly
Azure Damselfly
Large Red Damselfly
Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly
Common Darter Dragonfly
Small Heath Butterfly
Meadow Brown Butterfly
Ringlet Butterfly
Red Admiral Butterfly
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Whooper Pond
Mallard 23
Grey Heron 1
Mute swan 2 + 7 large cygnets
Moorhen 2 + 1 chick

Folly Pond
Common Sandpiper 1
Mallard 30
House Martins
Sand Martins

Teal Pond
Moorhen 2
Mallard 37
Little grebe 1 + 1 chick
Grey Heron 1
Blue-tailed Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Large Red Damselfly
Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly
Common Darter Dragonfly

Avenue Tower
Marsh Harrier 1 juv seen here yesterday
Mute Swan 2 with 1 large cygnet
Brown Hare 1
Grey Heron 1
Longhorn Cattle 3

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Sedge Warbler
House Martin
Sand Martin
Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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Osprey Webcam

See live footage of our local Osprey nest here:

The camera is online between 10am and 5pm daily.

The chicks have now fledged so are flying around the local area with their parents learning how to catch fish. They do return to the nest periodically to eat their catch so keep an eye out for them.

This year the chicks have been fitted with satellite tags so we will have a regular blog update as they make their migration south in a few weeks!

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