Monday, Feb 8th

A bit calmer today, and dry currently, though quite a drop of rain overnight. Decent swan nos. first thing, and the Greater Scaup drake still on the Whooper Pond. The Snow Goose is around again, though just off the reserve at nearby Newmains, on the road down. Beware though as yesterday there were also two white (leucistic) Barnacles in the vicinity. Check for those black wing-tips! All three of these birds have spent the recent weeks across the water in North Cumbria, so there has clearly been a bit of a shift in goose distribution locally

Today's high tide is at 12:03, 9.4m

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: C5000
Whooper Swans: 172

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 172
Mute Swan 58
Greater Scaup 1♂
Mallard 40
Tufted Duck 40
Wigeon 30
Canada Geese 65
Greylag Geese 2
Oystercatcher 3

Folly Pond
Teal 250
Wigeon 115
Mallard 10
Shoveler 6
Lapwing 200
Redshank 40
Oystercatcher 4
Roe Deer 4

Peter Scott Trail
Water Rail 3

Teal Pond
Little Grebe 1 - moulting into summer plumage

Avenue Tower
Teal 400
Wigeon 600
Shoveler 5
Mallard 35
Goosander 1♂
Roe Deer 2

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Barnacle Geese
Peregrine 2
Merlin 1
Hen Harrier 1♂
Little Egret 4
Roe Deer 6

Over the high tide
Dunlin 3000
Knot 2000
Pintail 1000
Shelduck 3000
Oystercatcher 500
Golden Plover 500

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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