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Recent Sightings - 13th August

It's been a "birdy" week with a few sightings of green sandpiper at multiple spots on the reserve.

There's also been wheatear, greenshank and peregrine falcon spotted around the Lochar. You can tell there are juveniles and passage birds moving around now. There's also been more snipe and curlew seen on the Folly pond, as well as a sparrowhawk seen fairly regularly over the Folly and Peter Scott Trail.

One thing the reserve team have really enjoyed watching this week is the movement of hirundines over the ponds, particularly swallows and sand martins. These birds have occasionally been gathering in their hundreds to feed over the Folly pond before moving on.
In all likelihood, they will be starting their migration and have probably come from further north, feeding before carrying on their journey.

There was also a kingfisher seen flying the length of the Teal pond. They are only sporadically sighted here, so it feels really special when you catch a glimpse of one.
In addition, wigeon were spotted on the Lochar river. These are possibly from the populations that breed in central & northern Scotland or northern England.

Featured photo - Greenshank by Andrew Bluett.

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