Scottish Climate Week

Scottish Climate week is the 23rd to 29th of September 2024. What will you do this week?

At WWT Caerlaverock, we are always thinking about the climate crisis. Sea levels rising is no doubt going to affect us and likely in 50 years the Saltcot Merse Observatory, now a great spot for settling in and watching flocks of waders out on the mudflats with a scope, will be underwater. And that's just one example.

We understand how important it is for our wetlands to act as a buffer to surrounding settlements and farmland. If we can absorb the impact of the water, other places will be less affected. If we can protect our saltmarsh, it will act as a great carbon sink, capturing airborne carbon in the form of dead plant material slowly decaying under mud deposits.

But now is the time for action from everyone. What will you do for the climate crisis this week?

Share it on social media and tag as @WWTCaerlaverock and #ScotClimateWeek

Words by Marianne Nicholson

Feature image by Ted Leeming

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