Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships 2020

Make a Splash at WWT Caerlaverock Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships this February Half Term

This February half term, grab your wellies, get outside and join in the Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships being held at WWT Caerlaverock Wetland Centre.

Families and friends will compete against each other to see who can produce the biggest splash from their puddle jump. They will also be judged on enthusiasm and jumping style.

Daily winners will be announced throughout the half term and lucky ‘super-splashers’ will receive fantastic prizes!

New for this year, adults, as well as children, are being encouraged to unleash their inner child and release every day stress by joining in the puddle jumping championships.

Also, a new addition of welly wanging will be taking place! As well as the main puddle jumping competition arenas, there will be puddles to practice in around the grounds to help entrants perfect their splashing techniques.

Puddles are mini wetlands which wildlife use to feed, drink and bathe. We know that children love nothing more than to splash about in puddles so we thought we’d give them the chance to channel their inner splasher. Through these championships we’re gently nurturing a love that may help protect wetlands and the wildlife that depend on them for years to come.

The Scottish Puddle Jumping Championships are being held during halfterm, Monday 17th - Friday 21st February, 12-2pm. Normal admission charges apply, booking is not required.

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