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Sightings 26th May 2013

Our Barn Owls, visible on CCTV at the centre have hatched the first of their 5 eggs, similarly we anticipate the CCTV'd Ospreys to begin hatching any time now, maybe today, though no sign of a chick at time of writing. Elsewhere the reserve is fairly quiet, though there are now Lapwing and Oystercatcher chicks in The Flood Ground and there is still activity on The Teal Pond with Little Grebes yet showing signs of maybe nesting. The Avenues are full of birdsong on this sunny day, with at least two Blackcaps, Common Whitethroat and several each of Willow Warbler and particularly Sedge Warbler. There are several broods of Mallard and Moorhen on the various ponds. Hares and Roe Deer are prominent in several of the fields and on the merses

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