Sightings 27th - 29th of March

The weather has been glorious over the last few days, it's a shame the same can't be said about today. However with it, the good weather brought a range of spring migrants and the reserve is always changing at this time of year.

Our first Wheatear of the year was seen at the start of the week, followed by another in the field behind the folly pond, both cracking males. With this also came the first White Wagtail of the year, the continental race and a passage migrant that mainly breeds in Iceland. Also 7 Sand Martins flew north through the reserve on Monday evening.

Chiffchaffs continue to sing around the reserve, with a bird in the Peter Scott trail and a number of others down the avenue.

The drake Garganey was last seen on Monday, but is probably still about waiting to be found and the Green-winged Teal is still hanging around in its usual place on the folly pond.

Whooper Swans continue to depart with just 7 on the pond this morning, however, there are still large number of Barnacle Geese to be seen and these should hang around for another month or so.

Also the usual pair have Mute Swans have returned to the Teal pond and the female was seen sitting on the nest this morning.

Todays high tide is at 14:04, 9.9m

Chiffchaff - Daniel Gornall

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 6,000

Whooper Swans: 18

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 7
Mute Swan 31
Mallard 34
Wigeon 38
Tufted Duck 30
Canada Geese 3
Moorhen 1
Teal 6
Little Egret 1

Folly Pond

Teal 75+
Garganey 1
Green-winged Teal 1 ♂
Shoveler 20
Mallard 1
Oystercatcher 1
Redshank 11
Black-headed Gull 2

Teal Pond

Little Grebe 2
Black-headed Gull 2
Teal 2
Wigeon 10
Moorhen 1
Mute Swan 2
Tufted Duck 8
Coot 1

Avenue Tower
Wigeon 83
Teal  100+
Shoveler 19
Lapwing 20+
Little Egret 3
Black-headed Gull 30
Curlew 5
Gadwall 8
Oystercatcher 2
Golden Plover 750
Tufted Duck 3
Pintail 2
Lapwing 5
Shelduck 6
Longhorn Cattle 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory

Dunlin (on rising/high tide)
Grey Plover (on rising/high tide)
Knot (on rising/high tide)
Hebridean Sheep 10

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Water Rail
Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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The webcam is showing the Whooper Pond during the day and the badger feeding area from 5pm onwards.

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