Tuesday November 8th

The Scaup and Green-winged Teal remain with us as yesterday. The two Hen Harriers both showed well yesterday, as did the Water Rail. A few Yellowhammers are starting to show on the Observatory path and there are Tree Sparrows around the Peter Scott Trail. Barnacle Goose nos. are holding up well, with 5000 - 7000 daily. Despite the cold and therefore expecting a bumper crowd at the early feed, Whooper nos. appear to have dropped off, with just 70 here currently
Todays high tide is at 18:03, 7.7m.

Around the reserve today:

Barnacle Geese: 6,300

Whooper Swans: 70

Whooper Pond
Whooper Swan 70 incl. 10 cygnets
Mute Swan 31 + 7 cygnets
Canada Geese 50
Greylag geese 30
Mallard 180
Wigeon 60
Tufted Duck 36
Moorhen 2
Gadwall pr.
Teal 3
Little Grebe 1
Scaup 1 (Juvenile)

Folly Pond
Green-winged Teal 1♂
Teal 100
Wigeon 100
Moorhen 3
Shoveler 18
Mallard 2
Barnacle Geese 300+

Teal Pond
Wigeon 5

Avenue Tower
Barnacle Geese
Wigeon 100
Teal 25
Shoveler 4
Greylag Geese
Pintail 2
Mallard 2
Longhorn Cattle 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Barnacle Geese 5,000
Great Egret 1
Peregrine 1
Merlin 2
Sparrowhawk 1
Hen Harrier 2 (male and ringtail)
Kestrel 1
Pink footed Geese 300+
Greylag Geese 20
Canada Goose 300
Pintail 200+
Wigeon 200+
Dunlin 200+
Golden Plover 100+
Knot 200+
Hebridean Sheep 12

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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Osprey Webcam

The winter webcam is now showing the Whooper Pond. 120 or so Whooper Swans are now regular attendees at the daily feeds along with  a variety of wild ducks and geese. Feed times are 11:00 and 14:00 daily, with commentary provided


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