Tuesday update, August 30th

Reserve looking pretty much as yesterday, but without the sunshine; dry though. 82 Black-tailed Godwits in a variety of plumages are currently on Folly Pond, along with a single Ruff. Once again the Great White Egret is on the merse from Saltcot Merse Observatory

Today's high tide 11:49     8.6m

Around the reserve today:

Blue-tailed Damselfly
Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly
Common Darter Dragonfly
Small Heath Butterfly
Meadow Brown Butterfly
Ringlet Butterfly
Red Admiral Butterfly
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Whooper Pond
Mute swan 2 + 6 large cygnets
Mallard 140
Cormorant 2

Folly Pond
Teal 630
Wigeon 4
Pintail 3
Shoveler 30
Mallard 28
Lapwing 4
Black-tailed Godwit 82
Snipe 31
Greenshank 1
Moorhen 2 + 3 chicks

Teal Pond
Teal 6
Mallard 20
Grey Heron 1
Moorhen 1 + 1 chick

Avenue Tower
Mute Swan 2 + 2 cygnets
Mallard 15
Brown Hare 2
Longhorn Cattle 3

Saltcot Merse Observatory
Great White Egret 1
Osprey 4 (yesterday)
Peregrine Falcon 1♀
Hebridean Sheep 12

Avenues & Feeders
(notable species)

House Martin
Reed Bunting
Coal Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Willow Warbler
Common Whitethroat
Sedge Warbler
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Song Thrush
Great-spotted Woodpecker

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Osprey Webcam

The Ospreys have now fledged and are not returning to the nest very often so we will soon be starting our blog as we follow the satellite tagged chicks on their first migration.

As October approaches we will hopefully be switching to our winter webcam showing the Whooper Pond, where some 300 Whooper Swans will spend the winter.


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