Caerlaverock news

Saltcot Observatory Eco Art Installation

Saltcot Observatory Eco Art Installation

An eco art installation produced by the For Enjoyment community and commissioned by D&G Eco Warriors is now showcased in our Saltcot Merse Observatory.

8 July 2022

Osprey & Garganey

Osprey & Garganey

The other week, a drake Garganey in eclipse (moult) was seen on the Folly pond by our guide in the hide Fiona. It was spotted again the following day but seems to have moved elsewhere since.The Garganey is a small dabbling duck, slightly larger than a Tea

1 July 2022

Great Egret-spectations

Great Egret-spectations

A Great white egret has graced our reserve with its presence.

17 June 2022

Ringing in the Season

Ringing in the Season

Our reserve team ring some of our Tree Sparrow & Kestrel chicks

10 June 2022

National Volunteers Week

National Volunteers Week

A time to say thank you

4 June 2022

New Life Emerging

New Life Emerging

As the spring season continues, we welcome the arrival of young animals and the progression of several species' life cycles

27 May 2022

Nattering Natterjacks

Nattering Natterjacks

Natterjack toad training and surveys.

20 May 2022

The Old Pig Sty gets an Eco-Revamp

The Old Pig Sty gets an Eco-Revamp

Last Tuesday was a fantastic day out on the reserve, loads of work was done, both big and small jobs but all of huge importance to the site. It was also our placement student Miriam’s first task that she led from the planning stage onwards and she did b

14 May 2022

Wildlife Garden Improvements

Wildlife Garden Improvements

What our brilliant volunteers have been helping achieve on our reserve.

6 May 2022

Looking after our reserve

Looking after our reserve

Saltcot Merse Litter Pick

2 May 2022

Bright Sun and Butterflies

Bright Sun and Butterflies

The sun has been shining on Caerlaverock this week and the butterflies are out and about everywhere enjoying the good weather.

23 April 2022

If you go out on the merse today…

If you go out on the merse today…

…You’re sure of a big surprise. You might come across some lesser spotted wardens, or something else…

16 April 2022

Signs of spring

Signs of spring

The reserve is starting to look and feel different with the signs of spring becoming more and more noticeable. The long belts of golden daffodils can still be seen but starting to be replaced with cheerful primroses, lesser celandines, and ramsons. The he

7 April 2022

Ruffing it in Lochar Field

Ruffing it in Lochar Field

Walking with the wigeon, but definitely not a duck. Mingling amongst the red shank, but look closer...

2 April 2022

Spring starting to take off

Spring starting to take off

If you want to catch the whoopers before they go, now is the time! With all this beautiful weather many have decided to start setting off for Iceland and we now only have about 12 of our lovely whoopers left.

25 March 2022