Caerlaverock news

A Few More Signs of Spring

A Few More Signs of Spring

Willow catkins are providing food for the emergent bees and bumble bees. Evidence of spring (despite the relatively low temperatures) has been further evidenced by singing blackcaps, a common sandpiper at the Whooper Pond and at least four white wagtails,

18 April 2021

Spring is on its way despite the snow

Spring is on its way despite the snow

This week has seen the arrival of a couple of willow warblers on the reserve and our chiffchaff count is now up to at least 4 birds singing. We have seen the start of the hirundine arrivals with sightings of swallows, house martins, and sand martins with

6 April 2021

Scottish Bird Names

Scottish Bird Names

Discover the Scottish names for some of our best-known birds!

24 February 2021

Meet the Whoopers

Meet the Whoopers

Meet some of our whooper swan characters

16 February 2021

Ducking & Diving

Ducking & Diving

Find out about the wonderful ducks that visit Caerlaverock in winter

9 February 2021

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day takes place annually on 2nd February and is a celebration of wetland habitats around the world.

2 February 2021

The Caerlaverock Badgers

The Caerlaverock Badgers

Find out about the Caerlaverock badgers and their antics on the reserve

28 January 2021

Special Places

Special Places

WWT Caerlaverock is a large wetland reserve and there are many corners to hide away, take some space and relax with nature. It changes drastically from summer to winter as wildlife comes and goes. Here the staff at Caerlaverock share what they love abou

6 January 2021

First Water Rail of the Winter

First Water Rail of the Winter

Please be aware that we will be closed to all visitors 21st - 25th December inclusive. We will reopen again on Boxing Day!The first Water Rail for this Winter season has been heard at Caerlaverock (no sighting of it yet), making a racket in the Paddock.

18 December 2020

The Christmas Robin

The Christmas Robin

Find out more about the friendly Christmas robin!

17 December 2020

Wetland Resolutions

Wetland Resolutions

Some ideas for New Years Resolutions that benefit wildlife and wetlands!

15 December 2020

Where to watch wildlife at WWT Caerlaverock

Where to watch wildlife at WWT Caerlaverock

Winter is a fantastic time to watch a wide range of birds on the wetlands at WWT Caerlaverock. Find out the best places to visit around the reserve this winter!

15 December 2020

Christmas closure and a Slav Grebe

Christmas closure and a Slav Grebe

Please be aware that we will be closed to all visitors 21st - 25th December inclusive. We will reopen again on Boxing Day!A Slavonian Grebe was on the Flood Ground on Sunday afternoon but hasn't been seen since. A classic example that you never know what

15 December 2020

Winter Wonder Wetland

Winter Wonder Wetland

Lose yourself in a winter wonder wetland at WWT Caerlaverock!

11 December 2020

Swans and a Scaup

Swans and a Scaup

Whooper Swan numbers are holding up well now, as the colder weather has brought them in from the surrounding fields. 75 on the Pond this morning.A male Greater Scaup is amongst the 30 Tuften Ducks on the Whooper Pond this morning, along with 48 Mute Swans

8 December 2020