Caerlaverock news

Swans and a Scaup

Swans and a Scaup

Whooper Swan numbers are holding up well now, as the colder weather has brought them in from the surrounding fields. 75 on the Pond this morning.A male Greater Scaup is amongst the 30 Tuften Ducks on the Whooper Pond this morning, along with 48 Mute Swans

8 December 2020

Waders, Hen Harrier and Reed Bunting

Waders, Hen Harrier and Reed Bunting

The past week has seen a good number of Waders in attendance. Black-tailed Godwit continue to be found taking a snooze on the small island on Folly Pond during the day, flights of Lapwing and Curlew have been very much evident overhead, with the Curlew t

4 December 2020

Black Swan on Whooper Pond

Black Swan on Whooper Pond

Unusual sighting for this morning with a Black Swan joining the Whoopers and Mutes on Whooper Pond. It was not entirely sure of the early breakfast feed carried out by the Wardens, flying off to Folly Pond, but it has returned once again to the Whooper P

3 December 2020

Yellowhammer in Hedgerows

Yellowhammer in Hedgerows

Good views of Yellowhammer this morning in the Hedgerow outside the Peter Scott Observatory. They are not the only small birds making their presence felt with Bullfinches and Goldcrests still being seen regularly down the Avenue and up to six Tree Sparro

27 November 2020

Teal Displaying

Teal Displaying

The recent mild spell has confused the visiting Teal around the Reserve with many behaving like it is already Spring. There is a great deal of displaying going on, with the males doing the characteristic head flick (interesting to watch for, not just whe

25 November 2020

Carol's Orchard

Carol's Orchard

This beautiful orchard was planted on World Wetlands Day, 2nd February, 2011 in memory of Carol Hesketh.

17 November 2020

Peregrines out on the Merses

Peregrines out on the Merses

Peregrine Falcons have been a regular sighting out on the Merses this week, the numerous pieces of driftwood washed in by the tides providing ideal perches for them. They are not the only raptors to have been seen. A Merlin and Hen Harrier were both obs

13 November 2020

Tufties Turning Up

Tufties Turning Up

Tufted Duck numbers are starting to increase on the Whooper Pond with over 40 birds out there this morning. The Wigeon numbers are also on the rise and the Whooper Swans have finally got the memo that it is Winter with 70 birds joining us. There seems t

11 November 2020

Frosty Morning

Frosty Morning

Lovely crisp start to the day today after a spell of unseasonably warm weather (it is just not right to still have midges about in November!) The cooler weather has seen some of our Whooper Swans dropping into the Whooper Pond and there is also a gatheri

7 November 2020

Reed Buntings and Bullfinch

Reed Buntings and Bullfinch

Reed Buntings have been very obvious in the Hedgerows around the Reserve this morning. The past few days have also seen a number of Bullfinches in the first part of Hedgerow down the Avenue. Teal and Wigeon numbers are creeping up on the Flood Ground an

6 November 2020

Yellowhammers, Treecreepers and Linnets

Yellowhammers, Treecreepers and Linnets

The first couple of Yellowhammers of the Autumn were seen yesterday in the hedgerow outside the Peter Scott Observatory. Small bird activity down the Avenues has been good recently with regular appearances of Treecreepers down towards Avenue Tower and Li

4 November 2020

Wild, windy, wetlands

Wild, windy, wetlands

It has been particularly wild recently, with strong winds and rain battering the reserve.The Folly Pond has been particularly busy with big numbers of Teal and Wigeon which has attracted predators, Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier can be seen hunting them mo

31 October 2020

Thrushes galore

Thrushes galore

There are flocks of Redwings and Fieldfares over the reserve regularly at the moment, with many dropping down onto the Hawthorns to gorge on the berries, or perch in the tops of the Sycamores.A Marsh Harrier was harrying Teal on the Folly Pond this mornin

27 October 2020

Raptors on the Reserve

Raptors on the Reserve

Autumn and winter are a great time to see raptors - find out what you can discover around the reserve!

20 October 2020

Icelandic-breeding Goose Census

Icelandic-breeding Goose Census

Today saw the first of the Icelandic-breeding Goose Census for the winter. Wardens were in early to monitor the Pink-footed Geese as they left the roost on the mudflats out from Saltcot Merse Observatory....or that was the plan at least! The Pink-foots

17 October 2020